Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tip to find a lost file on your Computer

You have lost a very important file and want a quick way to find in your system for this i will recommends you, try to search a file with its file extensions (for example for word file, type *.doc, Excel *.xls, Acrobat *.pdf, *.ppt and *.exe for executable files.

If you don't know the name of file but know that it contains a string of text then try to search for files containing specific text, type the text you want to find from any file or folder. This is time taking process but creates very precise result. In Look in, click the drive, folder, or network you want to search. To save time, always select the specified drive or location instead of whole computer.
To specify additional search criteria, click Search Options, and then click one or more of the following options to narrow your search:
  • Select Date to look for files that were created or modified on or between specific dates.
  • Select Type to look for files of a specific type, such as a text or WordPad document.
  • Select Size to look for files of a specific size.
  • Select Advanced Options to specify additional search criteria.
  • Click Search now


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