Thursday, December 09, 2010

Tip to Change Windows Xp Look Like Ubuntu Linux

You want to change Windows XP look to Ubuntu its very easy. Because many of you people still using XP and want to change the look of Windows XP.So Tips Tech Tricks brings a way to change it to Ubuntu Linux .

you need a few things which are :
Ok now lets begin with the tutorial.
1. The first thing is the Visual Style. To change your visual style of Windows XP, downloadUxTheme Multi-Patcher and install it. After installing it, download the Human Visual Style Theme. Then extract the theme to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes and then go to your Desktop. Right click and go to Properties, then go to Appearance and Select Human as the theme. Now you are done with the visual style part.

2. The next step is to change the icons of Windows XP to something that looks like icons in Ubuntu Linux. Download Super Turbo Tango Patcher and install it. During installation, select the icon set as Tangerine as this
pack contains the icons that are matches the icons in Ubuntu Linux. There is another software that can change the icons of Windows XP which is IconTweaker. Download it and then download IconTweaker Theme to change the icons of Windows XP. Use this software if you dont want to use Super Turbo Tango Patcher.
3. The next thing is to change the mouse pointers which you have in your computer. The ones that come with the human theme. Go toC:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\Human\Cursors and find â€œinstall.infâ€. Then right click on install.inf and select “Install”. Then go to Control Panel > Mouse and choose the newly added “xFree cursor theme.
4. Now you should change the wallpapers. Its inside the human theme folderC:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\Human\Wallpapers. Just chose the wallpaper, Right click on it and Click Set as Desktop background. or You can get the Ubuntu WallpaperHere.
Ubuntu Wallpaper
5. Now coming to the boot screen of Windows Xp which i dont like at all. DownloadStardock BootSkin, its a free application so just download it and install. And then download Ubuntu Boot Skin and apply it.
Ubuntu Boot Screen
6. The last step is to change the logon screen of Windows Xp. For that first downloadLogonStudio and then download the Ubuntu Logon Skin and use it with LogonStudio.
Now to make 3rd party applications like Mozilla Firefox to blend in like Ubuntu, download the Ubuntu Theme for mozilla and change the look of Firefox as well.


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