A long, long time ago, in an internet not-so-far away, people surfed to YouTube and watched videos with no advertisements blocking a quarter of the video screen… It was a blissful time, when society could procrastinate in peace by watching other people act goofy.
Nostalgia aside, we can recapture those blissful, advertisement-free days with a new site called VideoPure.com.
VideoPure’s page is clean, with only text, so the homepage loads quickly, even from a mobile phone. To use the service, just paste the URL of any YouTube video into the textbox and click Create.
The video instantly appears on a plain white page—with no comments or advertisements to distract your viewing pleasure.
ViewPure offers video and sharing options, too. On the homepage, click Optionsnext to the textbox where you paste a video URL, and you can create a ViewPure URL for the video to share with friends, change the video’s size or change the background color. You can also set a specific start point for the video, so you can skip ahead to the good parts.
If copy/pasting a URL is just too much work, video lovers can always just drag thePurify button from ViewPure’s homepage to their browser’s toolbar. Click the button from video’s page on YouTube to watch the same video without the advertisements.
The site works great. It loads quickly, and videos display as crisp on ViewPure as they do on YouTube, just without the distractions. The site ironically pays for itself with advertisements, but advertisements are placed at the end of a video instead of all over the page—a nice alternative, for sure.
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